Sensors Converge 2024 in USA

Experience JUMO in Santa Clara!

We are looking forward to having the opportunity to meet you in person again. In Santa Clara at the Sensors Converge we will present the latest innovations and highlights from our portfolio. Be excited!

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Meet Your Team

Eric Merkle

Eric Merkle

Technical Sales - Southwest


+1 315-400-5824

Let's connect!
Jim Renville

Jim Renville

Technical Sales - Northwest and North Central


+1 307-757-0548

Let's connect!
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Seamless Connectivity: From Sensor to Cloud

The automation pyramid serves as the foundation for industrial processes, mapping the entire production cycle where the individual levels interconnect seamlessly. This highlights the critical importance of ensuring smooth operations at every level. Our comprehensive solutions act as cohesive team players, perfectly synchronized from the field level to data evaluation, thereby reducing downtime and enhancing machine throughput.

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JUMO Process Control, Inc.

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