Measurement technology as fast and as smart as a dolphin, that is JUMO flowTRANS US. The devices not only use the ultrasonic measurement method, the flowTRANS UW W02 also communicates quickly and modernly in different variations, e.g. via IO-Link interface or via Bluetooth.

Ultrasonic flow measurement

with the transit time difference measurement

Ultrasonic flowmeters measure the velocity of a flowing medium using acoustic waves. This flow measurement method offers several advantages. For example, it is largely independent of the properties of the media used, such as electrical conductivity, density, temperature and viscosity. The absence of moving mechanical parts reduces maintenance requirements. For ultrasonic flow measurement with transit time difference measurement, however, the medium must be as homogeneous as possible and have only a low solid and gas content.

image alt text

Principle diagram of the measuring method

Use of the JUMO flowTRANS US W01 in mixing plants

Use of the JUMO flowTRANS US W01 in mixing plants

Application in different areas

The devices can be used especially in water and environmental technology (e.g. slightly contaminated waste water as well as drinking, process and industrial water), for dosing chemicals, in heating, air conditioning and ventilation technology (e.g. cooling water circuits and cooling tower technology), in galvanization plants and also in pump construction.

Ultrasonic flow measurement with JUMO
img alt text Low maintenance costs
img alt text 2 Accurate measurement
img alt text 3 Metal-free construction

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