Starte deine Ausbildung bei JUMO! Wir bieten dir eine Vielzahl an verschiedenen Ausbildungsberufen, egal ob in der IT, in elektro- und metalltechnischen Berufen oder im kaufmännischen Bereich. Schau dich auf unserer Seite einfach um und finde die passende Ausbildung für dich.
Speziell für unsere metall- und elektrotechnischen Ausbildungsberufe bieten wir einen Learning-by-doing-day an, mit der Möglichkeit die entsprechenden Ausbildungsberufe, Ausbildungsinhalte, die Ausbildungsleitung sowie das Unternehmen JUMO kennenzulernen. In einem Workshop können sich Interessierte ihrer technischen Fähigkeiten vergewissern und bereits erste praktische Erfahrungen sammeln.
Do you enjoy working with metal and would like to demonstrate your craft trade skills? Are you interested in manufacturing components and modules while taking technical documents and directives into consideration? Do you like working in a team?
Then the apprenticeship to become a metal technology specialist for assembly technology is just the right thing for you.
As a prospective metal technology specialist for assembly technology you will learn the basic principles of metal processing. These include measuring, marking, center punching, sawing, filing, drilling, bending, etc. The process of connecting components and modules through adhesion, soldering, and welding is also an important part of the apprenticeship. During your apprenticeship you will also learn the basics of electrical engineering.
During your apprenticeship you will be able to demonstrate your specialist knowledge and your ability to work as part of a team.
The practical part of the apprenticeship in the company will partly take place in the JUMO Training Center and in different production departments. The Training Center is where you will receive your basic training and instructions on how to use the various machine tools. The production departments are where you will learn about manual and mechanical assembly techniques for components and modules.
JUMO offers a learning-by-doing day. This is a day on which you can find out about the apprenticeship content, apprenticeship supervisors, and the company. You can find further information below.
Take a look at our YouTube video about the JUMO "metal technology specialist" apprenticeship (German language) and Contact us. We'll be glad to help.
All of the information you need about apprenticeships at JUMO (available in German only).